
2875 South decker lake drive

Suite 275

Salt Lake City, Utah 84119


Phone: 801.575.6455

Fax: 801.575.6456

Christ Community Church

Christ United Methodist Church - Salt Lake City, Utah

Church of Christian Science

Evangelical Free Church, Mezzanine - Salt Lake City, Utah

First Southern Baptist Church - Salt Lake City, Utah

Grace Community Bible Church

Greek Orthodox Church - Salt Lake City, Utah

Holladay United Church of Christ

Krishna Temple - Spanish Fork, Utah

Monticello Temple - Monticello, Utah

Salt Lake Christian Center - Salt Lake City, Utah

Provo Tabernacle Restoration - Provo, Utah

Trinity United Methodist Church

UVSC / Orem Institute of Religion - Orem, Utah

Valley West Baptist Church

Wasatch Presbyterian Church

Hillcrest 1st and 7th, UCBC

Taylorsville Valley Park 3rd, 4th, 5th and Stake, UCBC

Tooele 1st, 6th and 26th Highland, UCBC - Tooele, Utah

American Fork 9th, 12th and 22nd Wards Remodel

American Fork 10th Ward Chapel - American Fork, Utah

Belview, Murraydale Wards, UCBC

Benjamin Church

Bingham Creek 1st and 7th

Bingham Creek 3rd, 8th and 9th Wards

Bingham 1st, 2nd, 7th, 12th Wards and Stake

Brigham City 2nd, 5th and Central Wards Roof Overbuild

Brigham City 6 and Mountain View - Brigham City, Utah

Brigham City 12th, 23th and Harper Wards

Bountiful 9th, 31st, UCBC - Bountiful, Utah

Butler 11th, 27th and 33rd Remodel

Butler 1st, 8th and 12th Tower

Butler 4th, 10th and 18th, UCBC

Butler 4th, 10th and 18th Wards, Upgrade

C.U.C.F. Chapel Addition

Cannon 5th Ward, UCBC - Salt Lake City, Utah

Cannon 5th Ward Upgrade - Salt Lake City, Utah

Cannon 2nd Ward, UCBC - Salt Lake City, Utah

Cannon 6th and 7th UCBC and Truss Repairs

Cannon 6th and 7th, Upgrade - Salt Lake City, Utah

Cannon 3rd and 4th Wards, UCBC - Salt Lake City, Utah

Canyon Rim 1 & 2, Tower

Canyon View Wards, Highland Estate - Highland, Uah

Cedar Pass 9 Stake - Eagle Mountain, Utah

Cedar Pass Stake Center - Eagle Mountain, Utah

Clearfield 3rd and 7th Wards - Clearfield, Utah

Clinton 5th and 7th Wards - Clinton, Utah